Friday, October 23, 2015

Happy Birthday, Baby

My Sweet Charlotte,

For weeks I've been consumed with the fact that my baby is about to turn one year old.  And now the day is upon us. Here you are...mere hours from being 365 days into your life out here with Daddy and me.  And to me, it seems like you're pretty happy so far. 

You've lived the last 12 months oblivious to how you've completely transformed our lives.  You've brought more joy into our hearts than we could have imagined.  

This year, as your mom, I've:

-Worried more about a tiny little person than I ever, ever have about myself.  

-Made you endure outfit and hair accessory changes.  And then more outfit and hair accessory changes.  You've indulged me and played along. 

-Watched you be read to by and play with your cousins.  You are simply adored by all of them.  Even when you're 50, I think your big cousin Dean will still call you "Baby Charlotte". You bring them, your aunts, uncle, and grandparents such joy. 

-Held you longer than I 'should have' after you've fallen asleep during your bedtime bottle.  Acutely aware that time flies by, and that one day you will want me to drop you off around the corner from where your friends are waiting for you, I want to hold you as long as you'll let me. 

-Crept into your room before I went to bed just to listen to you breathe and to look at you.  Every. Single. Night. 

-Seen your daddy fall so deeply in love with another girl.  You have stolen his heart in the biggest way possible. 

-Helped teach me not to sweat the small stuff as much. (I still do, but I'm working on it). As long as everyone I love is healthy and happy at the end of the day, I've got everything I need. 

-Made me so proud to be your mommy.  You're smart, you're beautiful, you're funny and you're sweet. And you're my daughter.  

I know that I can't keep you a baby forever.  But, as your Papa Mike told me last week, even when you're 60, you'll still be by baby.  

And I'll still be your mommy. 

Happy birthday, precious girl.  You're the best thing that's ever happened to us.  


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