Tuesday, May 5, 2015

You're Very Lucky

It’s caught me a tad off guard, but Mother’s Day being right around the bend has got my mind thinking A LOT about our daughter’s Birthmother.  I’ve been thinking that without this person, I would not have my daughter.  I would not be a mom.

We were lucky to have the opportunity to get to know our daughter’s birthparents for quite some time before the Big Day.  Some people could not understand why we choose to hang out with them as much as we did during that part of the process.  But we saw it as our Golden Opportunity to really get to know them, and not just the stuff we could read off of paperwork, like family history and basic background information.  We really feel like we became part of a unit with them…a unit that was built on the foundation of loving this little girl so much that we are now all forever bonded by that love.

Someday our sweet girl will have questions about how she came to be a part of our family.  And, we also expect questions regarding her birthparents.  We are so, so glad that we will be able to give her information about their personalities, talents, senses of humor and much more.  Our first gift to our daughter was that investment of time with her birthparents so we could one day share this information with her.  We have photos of the four of us, (five including our girl in the belly!), stories about experiences we shared with them (including the very moment she was born, as we were blessed to be in the delivery room), and the tears of overwhelming emotion that were shed the day we tightly hugged them goodbye and took our daughter home with us.

Don’t get me wrong, it was not ALL easy.  There were little bumps and such in the road, as that can be a part of this process.  At the time though, I would hang on every word that was exchanged, analyzing and worrying that there would be a change of heart by them and that our dreams of being Mommy and Daddy to this baby would be shattered.

But, if I turned my overactive mind off long enough to listen…really listen, in hindsight I realize I would have been able to hear the truth all along.  The truth was, that this baby was so loved that they hand picked us to be her parents.  They trusted us.  They grew to love us.  They CHOSE us. 

That time in our lives will always be so near and dear to us.  And now we continue the best time of our lives with the best titles ever: Mommy and Daddy.

So, whether your own mom is near, or far, in Heaven or on Earth, whether you grew in her belly or in her heart, know that she was chosen somehow, someway to be YOUR mom.  And for that, you’re very lucky.

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